domenica 12 aprile 2015

Decálogo para la prevención del cáncer

1- Mantenerse esbeltos durante toda la vida.

2- Mantenerse físicamente activos todos los días.

3- Limitar el consumo de alimentos a alta densidad calórica y evitar el consumo de bebidas azucaradas.

4- Basar la misma alimentación sobre comidas de procedencia vegetal,con cereales no industrialmente finos y legumbres en cada comida y una amplia variedad de hortalizas no amiláceas y fruta.

5- Limitar el consumo de carnes rojas y evitar el consumo de carnes guardadas.

6- Limitar el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas.

7- Limitar el consumo de sal (no más de 5 gramos al día) y de comidas guardadas bajo sal. Evitar comidas contaminadas por mohos.

8- Asegurarse una aportación suficiente de todos los nutritivos esencial por la comida.

9- Recomendación especial durante la lactancia materna: amamantar a los niños por al menos seis meses.

10- Recomendación especial para los supervivientes de cáncer para la prevención de las reincidencias: seguir las recomendaciones para la prevención del cáncer. 


Bulimia is a recent pathology related to anorexia. It developed in the '80s and is often a consequence of anorexia. It is a short of  “great hunger” characterised by gorging food and then followed by forced vomiting, by fasting or by laxative or amphetamine abuse.
Whereas anorexics are able to control their need for food, bulimics are weaker and react by gorging themselves regularly, swallowing a lot of food in a short time and then vomiting so as not to get fat.
They have little control over their impulses and food becomes a drug. They are obsessed with fatness but they are unable to stop eating. Each gorging session is followed by the compulsive desire to get rid of the hated food.
This situation creates states of anxiety and depression which are then compensated for by eating in secret and loneliness, as bulimics feel ashamed and guilty about their contradictory behaviour.
Unlike anorexics, the bulimic can usually function quite normally, even if with some difficulty, and rarely requires hospitalisation. Bulimia is not evident but hidden and denied with terrible mental suffering. It is both a psychical and psychological illness which generally affects older girls in their twenties who are apparently sociable, extrovert and openminded. But their reality is a chaotic life style, and food disorder becomes a way to escape other problems which are often related to a difficult life at home.


Anorexia is a persistent lack of appetite and it generally has psychoneurotic causes, as in anorexia nervosa which mainly strikes young women.

This kind of anorexia leads to an extreme body emaciation caused by emotional or psychological aversion to eating. The illness usually stars with dieting to lose excess weight, but then the dieting turns into a refusal to take food. Food is no longer a satisfaction but an enemy, and refusing it becomes the only way to show will-power.

The causes of anorexia nervosa are poorly understood. The illness may be the unconscious reaction to physical growth and express the desire to remain a child: a refusal by adolescent girls to accept changes in their body size and shape. In some cases families are responsible for the illness since they often underrate the idea of dieting and do not consider anorexia a serious problem.

Sometimes girls try to imitate supermodels and associate food rejection with beauty. However, anorexics’ bodies are far from being perfect and attractive: they have sallow faces and hollow cheeks, their skin is worn because of a hormonal imbalance, they are so thin that their bones can be clearly seen through their skin.

The treatment of anorexia is generally long and difficult. It must begin with restoring nutrition: the patient needs to understand why she is starving herself and must be helped to recognise her worth. In some cases the patient refuses treatment and the result in a small number of cases is death.

Valentina Rutigliano

Trastornos de la conducta alimentaria

Los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria son enfermedades crónicas y progresivas que, a pesar de que se manifiestan a través de la conducta alimentaria, en realidad consisten en una gama muy compleja de síntomas entre los que prevalece una alteración o distórsion de la auto-imagen corporal,un gran temor de subir de peso y la adquisición de una serie de valores a través de una imagen corporal .

Aceite de oliva 350 gr.
Parmesano rallado 40 gr.
Piñones tostados 20 gr.
1 manojo de albahaca
1 diente de ajo

La receta básica de la salsa pesto, hecho con albahaca. Los ingredientes, a pesar de que son cantidades justas, siempre son indicativas: hay que probar para comprobar si queda al gusto (hay quién prefiere que se note el ajo, otros el parmesano o, cómo debería ser, el albahaca). Cómo decía antes, los ingredientes son justos y las cantidades también, pero, por ejemplo, el diente de ajo no debería ser muy grande, por lo menos, mi sugerencia, es poner un diente de ajo pequeño, para luego, en caso, añadir un poco más, si el sabor no es el deseado. En una batidora, poner hojas de albahaca (sin flores, muy amargas), una capa de parmesano en taquitos, piñones, el diente de ajo y cubrir con el resto de albahaca. Aceite y sal para acabar. Batir todo durante unos minutos, moviendo en caso se necesite, con un cuchillo, para que todo esté molido (el ideal sería usar un mortero, ya que “pesto”, significa “machacado”).
 Ajustar el sabor, añadiendo el ingrediente que hace falta o según el sabor que se desea se usa para condimentar la famosa pasta Trofie , el fomato artesanal, típica de la Liguria, la lasaña al pesto…

BUON APPETITO!!!!!! (¡buen provecho!) 

Paolo Assandri